Wednesday, November 4, 2009

what a day..............

we started practising for our jamuan pengawas yesterday
n thank god we finished it yesterday itself n a little of polishing today
which went well i guess.....................
n we r having our jamuan kelas tomorrow,hope everyone turns up n rock it.....
actually i have nothing much to say but i'll be back with more tomorrow..........
n man.......................omg........................
im watching pitbull's hotel room service official video rite now
n serious warning 4 those with faint heart,dont watch it,its too 'dangerous'
hahaha...........only highly recommended for big gals like kogi or roshi.....with parental guidance
hehehehehehehe...........................have fun guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

pmr is so freakin near

life as usual has been going on kinda well
juz that before like a few months ago we had trillion stuffs 2 talk about n now
its like nothing...........dunno y?maybe pmr is near
or we r juz running out of things to say............OMG
i hope it comes back to normal..........after pmr lar
n i cant wait for pmr to be over........juz waiting......
n yeah...guess wat?i actually got an a 4 my moral (ujian)
hahahaha..................i thought might end up wif a 'b'
have u ever seen a girl smart enough to memorise the penjelasan
but neva write in the exam when the question asks 4 it..................
YEAH.......ITS ME ladies n gentlemen
the 'smartest' earthling alive............... revoir!!!!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

i dunno y im doin this

exactly..........i have pmr in a month,gerak gempur in few days
still i so wanted to create a blog
coz...........its kinda weird actually,i neva thought i wud create a blog
because of this particular reason???
its few minutes after i read finished 'my sisters keeper' by jodi picoult
when i finished it,i was tearing.........i couldnt beleive it.........
aishu keeps telling im kinda tough cookie bcoz she neva saw me cry in skul(perasaning here)
seriously i couldnt believe either that i cried...o.k. not cried juz teared after readin a fiction
A FICTIONAL STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was so moved by the story that i wanted to tell someone bout it rite now..........
so here i am,stupidly giving a review bout a book instead of studying sejarah 4 next week
seriously that was a goddamn good book that has changed my perspective maybe a bit
n by the way i finished a 500 over page book in juz 2 days......whoohooo
hey,stop doin faces coz i noe some of u by now wud be thinkin that 'duhhh....i can read faster!!!'
but its still an achivement 4 me o.k,as i dun read all those 3 sej book thick book all like harrypotter,twilight n stuff...................
thats it for now..gtg as my mom is calling me to make milo....4 heavens sake!!!!!!!!milo for evening doesnt make sense..........drinkin milo for evening tea,tea........milo